Since there were only 3 entries, they're all winner by default...
But hey, these entries were still very creative for me, and so I am grateful for the effort. ^_^
Anti-Campaign Signature
created by: Leoz
photomanipulation by: gakitsu
owned and updated regularly by: Mena
blog address:
Each will be winning Angel Wings as prize~ Congratulations!!! ^_^v
To those who'd like to join the Fan Teasers contest, stay tuned for the updated post on when and where to send those entries~! See yah all on the next event! ^^
Special Notes
Then check this out: Memoirs
Fan Teasers: July Contest Winners
War of the Factions: The Aftermath I
The thread was suppose to close at 7.30PM, but I did mention that it'll be extended since I won't be able to close the registration since I was at the Focus Group Discussion in EGG Glorietta 4. And so, we closed it before 10AM, Saturday.
There was a few minutes delay in Vivaldi, as GM Wisschenschaft coordinated and gave instructions to the faction member representatives.
Never say never!!!
We didn't expect that much participants due to the 2-day preparation for the in-game event, and so we were so touched by lots of factions that joined! @_@
It was a bit laggy that day since everyone was gathering around the PvP officer. Thus, GM Wiss (that's my nickname for the GM ^^) PM'ed the representatives and instructed to change channel so that they can be coordinated and organized properly. Here are the breakdown of results:
(bold faction name - winner)
Vivaldi Server
1st Match: Republican VS Nemesis™
2nd Match: ØutLaws VS IntrudeRz
3rd Match: ØutLaws VS Nemesis™
4th Match: ANARCHY VS Nemesis™
5th Match: Republican VS IntrudeRz
Finals: IntrudeRz VS Nemesis™
Pachelbel Server
1st Match: Nemesis™ VS †PINOY†ALLSTARS†
2nd Match: Nemesis™ VS Destroth
Finals: †PINOY†ALLSTARS† VS Destroth
Caravaggio Server
1st Match: PasawayProphecy VS IAMVIETNAMESE
2nd Match: NeptuneWorld VS ReBorn
3rd Match: TheCore VS Unholy
4th Match: EpicSynx VS Rebirth
5th Match: PasawayProphecy VS ReBorn
6th Match: EpicSynx VS TheCore
Finals: TheCore VS ReBorn
Carracci Server
1st Match: Destiny VS Honor
2nd Match: ScotlandWarriors VS TITANS
3rd Match: GodLike VS Merlion
4th Match: LordofChaos VS Council
5th Match: Honor VS TITANS
6th Match: GodLike VS Council
Finals: GodLike VS Honor
Cervantes Server
1st Match: Yakisoba VS GoD
2nd Match: CARNAGE VS Vradical
3rd Match: Vradical VS GoD
4th Match: Dominion VS GoD
5th Match: Yakisoba VS CARNAGE
6th Match: CARNAGE VS GoD
Finals: Yakisoba VS GoD
Congratulations to all! ^_~
***Videos to be posted for viewing pleasure***
War of the Factions on Saturday [07.28.07]
The Final Cut
Events: War of the Factions & iCafé Festival
July 27-28
Malabon iCafé Festival
First Day - Massive Freeplay
Check out this list of the participating iCafés:
Data Click | Leoño, Malabon |
Chatmate | Concepcion, Malabon |
2005 A.D | Hulong Duhat, Malabon |
Adnetsys | 56 B Gen. Luna St. Malabon |
Alizstar | 352 Unit 3 Gen. Luna Malabon |
Atin | Manapat St. Malabon |
Cyber Guapitz | 6 D Sanciangco St. Tonsuya Malabon |
F N A | 333 b gen. luna st., malabon |
Harcherry | 111 manapat st tañong, malabon |
J B D | 33 M.H. del Pilar St. Panghulo Malabon |
Jefram | Blk 49 Lot9 Phase III Pampano St. |
JMAK 1 | 721 B- Rizal Ave. San Agustin Malabon |
JMAK 2 | 319 Valdez Ext. Catmon Malabon |
KJ Paez | 10 Paez st.,malabon |
Maxi | 1 womens club hulo malabon |
Neo Geo | 9 L. Gutierrez St., Malabon |
Ram Works | 43 P. Aquino Ave., Tonsuya Malabon |
Camouflaged | Bumbero Sipac Navotas |
Half Strike | 27 A. Santiago St., Sipac Navotas |
John Weng | Apahap agora navotas |
K Logz | 24 A. Santiago St. Sipac Navotas |
Planetzone | Leongson St., Navotas |
Rane Net | Blk 37 Lot10 Maya-Maya St. Kaunlaran Vill |
R C A | Tangos, navotas |
Rikitik | Bagumbayan, navotas |
Xandee | 53 M. H. del Pilar St., Tugatog Malabon |
Megaben | 37 Naval St. Flores, Malabon City |
Knights Internet Cafe | #15 Bonifacio St. Barangay Baritan.malabon |
kingsway | Daanghari, Navotas |
Jans | Tangos, Navotas |
Jans | Sipac, navotas |
Carlwin | Naval hulo malabon |
VII | Naval hulo malabon |
XOR | Burgos, Malabon |
Castline | Gov Pascual Ave. Malabon |
Powerlink | C. Arellano Malabon |
MZG | Sto. Rosario Malabon |
Second Day - Newbie Tournament
Malabon Ampitheater
- All terms and conditions of IAHGames Passport apply. This tournament is open to all servers.
- Each team will consist of 3 players. Players are not allowed to join multiple teams. Players found to be in multiple teams will have their teams immediately disqualified.
- Players from each team will be using their own GE accounts. There will be a range level of 5-20 since every participant will have to start from scratch in leveling.
- Each team/player can use unlimited consumables such as potions, orbs, etc.
- The players can use any characters / RNPCs.
- Players are to meet at the Cite de Reboldoeux – PvP Officer 10 minutes before the tournament starts. Each team will be given 10 minutes to prepare for each match.
- The team to successfully exterminate all 9 characters of the opposing team will be pronounced the winner for that match.
- In case of a “draw,” both teams will be required to play a “sudden death match.” Players are not allowed to change their character setup. First team to score a character-kill will be the winner of the match.
- Each server will have its best team at the end of the tournament.
July 28, 2007
In-Game Event: War of the Factions
Article/s about the In-Game Event:
Submission of entries here:
Events Galore! See you in-game/irl on the 28th! ^_^
V2.1.18 Upcoming Features and Other Updates
Irawan, the Muay Thai Fighter
Getting this rNPC is quite different from the other GE versions, you can check out the sources from here:
Sword of the New World: How to Get Irawan Getting Irawan on JGE
Other info:
Knuckles - Chapter of Fire, Chapter of Earth
Leg Guard - Chapter of Fire, Chapter of Wind
***Source: Chelsie of***
Total Stat Points: 30
Str: 8
Agi: 6
Con: 5
Dex: 5
Int: 3
Cha: 3
Starting Level: 1
Location: Port of Coimbra
Armor: Leather Armor
Personal Skill: Nil
Source: Warrior Nation Network
Images from: Online Station Community
He is kinda cuter than Gracielo... (Oops!)
For more info and details go here:
Mercenary Contracts allow you to change your characters in character cards, which then can be traded to other players for Vis or items.
Check out the article here:
Till next post! ^_~
Granado Espada PH Website is now UP!
Granado Espada Philippine Website is now UP and running!
Our very own Philippine GE Site is now online and we're giving out the offline contests for you!
- Best Fansite
- Best Faction Site
- Best Fanart
- Fanfic Family Tree Story
- Faction Crest
The other navigation links are still under construction, but try to check out the other links for more updates and information on the New World. ^_^
Till next post! ^_~ & NineMoons' Trivia Contest
July 14
The International Fan Site has released their new version of their website which features more features like the Global Map System, and they've upgraded their board as well.
When you go to their homepage, you'll choose between Simon & Gabriela (nope, this is not between Republicans or Royalists! ^^) to navigate; click on Simon for the HomePage and click on Gabriela for their own forum boards.
I've seen their Stance System guide, and it was so nice and informative that I've asked Chelsie ( Admin) to put it up again due to the demands of some in our own community mail. XD
Their forum boards has a very nice skin (kudos! I love the colors :D) and the players from across the regions had dedicated in posting information such as quests, skills, items, etc.
July 19
NineMoons, one of the most active and creative writer in the New World has opened up her own offline contest in her blog! Check it out:
You can check out our offline contests at the Game! Magazine article here: GE PH Community Contests pCM Veya and NineMoons (Thanks to NineMoons ^_^)
CARNAGE has made it to level 52 during the first week of July, and there were lots on congratulations on the broadcast that time. They've also thanked me for the support on cheering them on, and so, to view their pictures that time, go to this link: Lvl 52 Faction - Republicans lemme hear yah!!!
Till next post! ^_~
3rd Faction Visitation: MilitiaSangre
MilitiaSangre. A faction created by blood, and bounded by blood.
This faction was created a week before POBT. It took them 2 hours just to come up with a name. At first, they wanted to have Amistad, it backfired due to lots of meanings behind the name; it was a name for a movie about slavery, and the other meaning is friendship. Basically, they wanted to retain their bond of trinity (naks!) in the New World. The pioneers behind this are Caelesti (their faction leader), Washburn (Vice-leader), eLfshimmeR, Lightbreeze, Loredan, Silvercross and Hevendrop.
A pact you can't forget...
They had 52 members, and at least 10-15 are active and plays 3 hours of grind leveling and almost 24/7 on afk mode due to work and career. There are some active players that manage to go on a 24/7 grind leveling, and some of them are now in the level range of 90-100.
The action doesn't stop in Carracci...
Even though the PK system is not implemented here, they still participate in the Colony Wars actively, and practice PvP, micro / individual mode. This way, they enhance their control in their three characters.
Never question the authority, especially if it's a woman!
Caelesti is the one who manage the faction and lead them in the Colony Wars. But she always do the questioning first on information and the cons before they take on the action, which leads to debate among the members. And so, she's now busy with work, and decided along with her members to do a remake of their faction, and appointing another leader to lead the Colony Wars and to increase the level of their faction. Well, goodluck on that! ^_^
You can check out their thread here & they're currently recruiting for the remake of their faction:
Faction Reputation is important. We don't tolerate our faction mates to do some nasty and silly things because our faction was from our last online game we played and we intend to keep it clean up to the New World.
My message: I'd like to thank Caelesti, eLfshimmeR, and Lightbreeze. The tres cepas of this faction has been so very nice, and yes quite entertaining in my stay. This EB-lovin' faction will make a memory for me in the world of Carracci. Kudos to y'all! ^_~
Fun with Interchange & Messages from the Players
I was absent yesterday from work because I wasn't feeling well. ~_~ My apologies for not updating you guys with the latest happenings. We're currently proposing lots of in-game and irl events, so make sure to stay tuned for these. ^^
Despite for my absence, I was enlightened again to see the GE mail filled with compliments and kudos to the Philippine community, and also for the GE Team overall. Here's some of them:
From Jocel:
thank you! i'm now registered in the game and its really so cool! i want to ask something, is it true that granado espada will have game cards? is it a game time??
From Vladimir:
bakit po d nag papatch minsan GE ko?? un lang po!! TC and nice game!! adik n medyo ako i leave my previous online games to play this one!! you rock!! simple pero rock!!
From Lawrence:
And this one, the best message from our mail:
Hello Ma'am... I'm Ramell Bryan S. Fernandez... My family name in GE is Zauberkraft in Caracci. I really love the game. It's like all on-line games are included in the game. I was hesitating to play this game at first because I don't like to leave my ****** account behind... But after playing for just one hour(including creating my account first which is pretty easy), I ended up not going home for about two days just playing and playing all day long! You know RavenCloft? I think she's level 94 by now... is my classmate on the same cafe here in Bacolod City(Smackdown LaSalle). I think I saw her name in your blogspot. Geez... I hope you'll be my friend too... And... I just would like to ask something... Because of my addiction to this game,I was encouraged to buy my own PC and just play at home... So my family bought a new pc for me. At the PC store I asked them if they could readily install GE in my CPU but unluckily they don't even know the game! (T_T) So,I went to my favorite cafe and ask if they could lend me a copy of GE... And that moment really went into my nerves... They wont even let me have a copy even though I offered 500 php for just a copy of the game! So I went to another cafe... and another one... and another one! But they don't have or they just want to keep it by themselves! Hahaha... I'm sorry if I'm telling you all this stuff. I just would like to tell you my struggle just to have a copy of the GE game into my new PC. Good thing there's GE.IAHGAMES.COM. but it took me a looooong time to download the game(and praying there will be no power outage in our area to complete the download!) Well,I'm really a fan of this game. How I wish I could also be a GM like you... um... if they want another GM pls let me know... pretty please??
And by the way... while I'm typing this e-mail,I'm downloading the GE in website... gosh... it's pretty long time to download this game... oh well... patience for me... hehehe... How I wish you will reply... I just want to share opinions wih the game. I even downloaded the fansite kit from GE.IAHGAMES.COM.
Pls. take care and thanks a lot! Pls. Reply... ^_^
Heartwarming emails always make my day... and our biggest thanks from the overall GE Team to you all. ^_~
Fun with friends!
We had a small in-game get-together with our GE Pinoy players and agreed to use up our Interchange Mission Level 1. We were so hooked, we had 4 missions (I really didn't count, I think it was more than four!) straight.

Lag po! ^^

Hail hail! Lots of goodies! ^^

Go BOOh!!! :D

Hail again! Hehehe, although there was an unopened chest.
For more of our in-game moments, click here: GE In-Game
Say goodbye temporarily to Esthesia family, as I'll be using Veya family from now on in my Faction Visitation. ^_^ But I'll still try to have Esthesia go online on my dayoffs. ^^

Check out the video from the previous event in Davao! In YouTube hosting site: Davao CyberExpo Event
I for one, loved on how they enjoyed the tournament. ^^
Till next post! ^_~
2nd Faction Visitation: AxisAvenger
Action speaks louder than words...
Trust builds trust. Never say never.
This faction was honest to me, one also mentioned that hopefully I won't leave them because most people left their faction because they're not too showy or loud in-game. ^^
I'd only leave due to my Faction Visitation schedules though, not because they're not that into chat conversations.
This was founded by MonteCristo. According to Abellanosa, they don't have any level or other pre-requirements for getting into their faction. All they wanted is for the Pinoy players to have fun in leveling, and for their faction get-together in-game such as Interchange or other faction missions, they wanted the players to go voluntarily.
We had fun during the Interchange Mission last time wherein I luckily got a wand. ^_^
I only got a chance to talk to some of them, mostly Abellanosa and Lucino. They were really nice, it's hard to think that they're in this PK server and yet they seem to hardly make any trashtalks and/or go against other factions.
So for peace-loving players, and for those who would want to go into a faction without any much pressure, this is the place to be. ^_~
I do apologize for leaving the faction without so much goodbyes, but there are lots of factions pending and would want me to visit them. Plus, the Esthesia family will no longer be visiting factions, I'll be using the Veya family from now on. ^^
My stay in the AxisAvenger family...
Hmm... I'm going to miss the mIRC-style chat conversations we had, especially typing in !ping during lag intervals. Plus the names they would call me (the famous artists that also has my first name -_-) and their weird comments whenever there's a mic war... ^^;
Till next visit again! ^_~
Featured Gamer: eLfshimmeR
Never underestimate a girl's power especially when it comes to gaming...
Here's a sneak preview of the first part of my interview with our featured girl gamer for this month! ^_^
Veya: Permission to post your real name?
eLfshimmeR: Sure, Jennifer P. Dizon
Veya: What's your MCC Team line-up, plus the IGNs of each?
eLfshimmeR: Elementalist - CyRiL, Scout - MaVeRicK, Wizard - JenLove (but I recently created an rNPC - Claude into my line-up)
Veya: Where do you usually play?
eLfshimmeR: At home, but mostly in the drugstore coz I stay here for 12 hours ^^
Veya: You have a computer in your drugstore, and you can play there? @_@
eLfshimmeR: Yeah, PC ko. LOLz~ by the way, in case you're wondering why I'm here in the drugstore... I'm a pharmacist and manage ko tong branch store namin.
(Managing a drugstore and playing at the same time, neat! :D)
Veya: So you're already working? What school did you graduated from?
eLfshimmeR: Yeah, UST. Tigers rawr!
Veya: How or to whom did you hear about the game?
eLfshimmeR: From my friends. I applied for CB Tester last February.
Veya: What are the features of GE that got you hooked into the game?
eLfshimmeR: Its unique gameplay, the MCC thingy, very user-friendly, and controlling three characters at once is so cool~
Pa-level mode~
Veya: Were there situations that people mistook your gender irl?
eLfshimmeR: None in GE (so previously there were situations in other online games that she played before) coz I don't talk that much in-game. ^_^
Our interview got cut off since her PC hanged. ^^ Hopefully, I'll be able to get in touch with her next time.
Please don't forget to submit your entries for the Fan Teasers contest! You can check out the details here >>> Fan Teasers and a Campaign
Stay tuned for updates and more articles! ^_~
Back to Basics: Registration, Change Password, and Rumors
Nope, I'm not talking about Christina Aguilera here.
Anyway, there had been lots of emails and private messages lately, and I have no idea where you guys got the rumors that's been spreading around. And yes, since it's a rumor, there's no fact yet. Let's go to clarifications first: I'm not a GM, like the other Community Managers, we do not have GM access to the game like warping and such, or angel characters. @_@
Plus, server migration from Singapore servers to Philippines is not true since we don't have localization yet; that'll be for a long time since GE is not even on commercial launch yet on Southeast Asia.
And yes we all know you've been dying to hear about the updates on the pricing and the GE Limited Edition Boxes, but we'll all have to be patient and have to stay tuned for updates and announcements on this one.
Let's go back to basics:
Click on the Elementalist icon on the left side of the GE Official site or go to this link: IAHGames Passport
Type in the information needed, make sure to remember the username (click for the availability of the userID) and password, especially the Identification Number (ID number, phone number, etc.), and a valid email address (do not put a dummy email account! this is for verification process).
**If you're in a freeplay or any event, ask the GAME FACILITATOR for a PROMOTION CODE. (If not, just leave it blank)
Put a check mark after you've read the Terms & Conditions at the bottom of the page, then click on SUBMIT.
You'll be redirected to a page wherein you've successfully registered an account, and there'll also be link for the forum boards. Click on the "Activate."
On the next page, select Granado Espada SEA and then click on "Activate Now!"
You're almost there! Make sure to check your registered email address to confirm too. And from this page you can download the client or check out the PC specifications.
Verifying Your Email
After registration, the confirmation will be sent to the EMAIL ADDRESS you've input on the information details awhile ago. Check your email, and you'll see the mail from IAH.
Since you've already activated GE as your game, just verify your email and click on the link.
You'll be redirected to IAH Passport that says "Verification of the Email Address is successful!"
You're all set to play Granado Espada!
Changing Password
Go to this link: hover your mouse pointer on Account/Manage Account, then click on Modify Password.
If you haven't able to login yet, just input your username and password.
Then you can just type your current password, and type in the new one, and don't forget to input the Identification Number you've typed in before during Registration. Click Submit and your password's all set.
Don't forget to join the Fan Teasers! Angel Wings are up for grabs! And stay tuned for the featured girl gamers for this month! ^_~
Fan Teasers and a Campaign
Since the Granado Espada PH website construction is still on-going, the PH Community Blog will be hosting the best fanart, fansite, fanblog, fanfiction, fanpoetry for Granado Espada players who are interested to join!
- Participants are allowed to use the fansite kit at and/or use their in-game screenshots.
- No politics / issues are allowed (i.e. naming people in scenarios that are not nice especially if it’s already in vulgar form of writing).
- Vulgarity or abuse of language is not allowed.
- Use of any obscene images, nudity or any form of pornography is not allowed for the participants.
- Any form of art or writings should be related to the world of Granado Espada.
- Winners will be featured at and will receive angel wings as prize.
***For Fanart***
~ any medium can be used to create the fanart
~ entries should not contain anything that infringes patent, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right, or any privacy, publicity or publishing rights of any party, or is libelous, obscene or otherwise contrary to law
~ non-digital entries (like sketches) should be scanned first before submitting it; the file should be in jpeg or png format, 92 dpi, and no more than 1mb in size
a broadly-defined term for fiction about characters or settings written by fans of the original work, rather than by the original creators. Fan fiction usually describes works which are uncommissioned by the owner of the work, and usually (but not always) works which are not professionally published
common to fanfiction, whereas it is in the form of poetry (
based on a character, costume, item, or story that was created by someone other than the artist; the term, while it can apply to art done by fans of characters from books, is usually used to refer to art derived from visual media such as comics, movies or video games
***Fanart entries should be in 1600 x 1200 pixels***
a website created and maintained by a fan(s) or devotee(s) interested in a celebrity, thing, or a particular cultural phenomenon; fansites may offer specialized information on the subject (e.g., episode listings, biographies), pictures taken from various sources, media downloads, links to other, similar fansites, and the chance to talk to other fans
similar to fansite but in a form of an online journal or diary (just like the PH community blog)
Anti-bot Campaign
In addition to this, we'd like to conduct an anti-bot campaign that's currently a major issue in most games like ours. So, we'll add up a signature-making contest wherein the winner shall also receive angel wings as prize and also for the Philippine Community to add this up on their profile. The most forum members who will add your signature in their forum profile wins! (it's like a People's Choice)
Example of this:

The mechanics of the ones I've stated above also applies here, and the size should be at least 350 x 65 pixels (suppose to be like the Pinoy siggy so that forumers may add them up along with their own personal signature in their profile) and avoid too much animation if you'd like to put it in .gif format.
Make it as conceptual and catchy as you can!
***All entries must contain the following information***
~ email subject: GE [Category (i.e. Fanart)]
~ the attached file of your work
~ real name, email address and contact number
~ in-game family name
***IP-Interactive will determine whether a particular submission is appropriate to be displayed to the public; all accepted submissions will be posted at the Granado Espada PH Community Blog***
***All your works will be judged on creativity, originality and impact***
So goodluck! Send your entries at and make sure to follow the sizes, pixels, and other mechanics to avoid disqualification of your entries. Submission of entries starts today and deadline is until the end of this month. Comments and suggestions are open, feel free to ask or inquire.