Dinosaurs eat man, woman inherits the earth. ~Ellie Sattler of Jurassic Park
Girl Gamers rock the Gamefrog Metrowalk!
Even we are Mother Earth's friends. The iCafe were filled with serious, yet fun & energetic girls of Granado Espada. Some of them were new, but eventually got hooked into playing during our Freeplay.
Btw, in addition to the rabbit hairlace (suppose to be called hairband!), I bought those cute little pencils, so hopefully you ladies enjoyed it. It's a small token of appreciation of your contribution to the community for the past few months.
We had a group discussion after our meal, and we ended up having a "girlie session" alongside the half-naked men they'd like to see in-game (as if the oiled-body and beachwear costumes weren't enough XD) and the heated conversation on issues such as RMT, bots, scams, and other cases. But it was nice to see that most of the ladies didn't complain much about the pricing, which means we're richer than the guys? XP~ (just kidding! ^^v)
Then instead of the tournament, we opt to raffle the delicious in-game item prizes, and so congratulations to the ff:
stormseeks (the expert girl XD) - Elite La Ventisca armor
NineMoons - Le Blanc
Sigrid - Cumulonimbus Shield
Hahaziah - 500 Adelina's booty searches
Oliveoyl - 300 Adelina's booty searches
Krungster - 100 Adelina's booty searches
And we would like to thank Mr. Relly Carpio and Jainie of hackenslash (Inquirer) to join our wacky gathering, and took photos and interview videos of the ladies. ^_^
All of the present attendees shall receive a Combat Manual Expert 15D and a Forgotten Territory pass, beside the freebies they've already received during the event.
This event will make history - and no guy will ever accuse us of being chixilogs again!
Some of the pics are now being uploaded here: Lumiere Deesse
Next project: to promote more girl gamer gathering & build a girl gamer webby! ^_~
Special Notes
Then check this out: Memoirs
Aftermath: Girl Gamer Gathering
Pre-Registration for e-Games Domination II
Tired of waiting in-line during big events like this?
Then pre-register now for the event and just present your verification!
There are two ways to do it:
SMS Pre-Registration
Enter the following syntax in your cellphone:
a. For those with e-Games accounts (RAN Online, Audition Dance Battle, O2Jam, Supreme Destiny players): E-GAMES DOMINATION
b. For those with IAHGames passport accounts (Granado Espada players): E-GAMES DOMINATION
c. Send the correct syntax to 2948.
You will receive the e-Games Domination II logo with the following message:
E-GAMES DOMINATION: Thanks for downloading the exclusive e-Games DOMINATION logo (P15.00/logo). You are now pre-registered to the e-Games DOMINATION event on April 6, 2008 at Function Halls 3 & 4 of the SMX Convention Center near SM Mall of Asia. Please present the downloaded logo together with any unscratched ePoints or GVC card to claim your ID at the Pre-Registered Booth at the venue. For more details on the event, please log on to: http://domination.e-games.com.ph/
3. Present the said SMS verification/e-Games logo at the Express Lane along with an unscratched EPoints/GVC card and a valid ID.
Web Pre-Registration
Go to http://domination.e-games.com.ph/prereg.php
Key in the following information:
a. First Name
b. Last Name
c. Username (e-Games/IAHGames)
d. Birth Date
e. Mobile Number
f. Email Address
g. Security Code
Click the [Submit] button.
Print out your pre-registered form and present it at the Express Lane along with an unscratched ePoints/GVC card and a valid ID.
Visit http://granadoespadaph.multiply.com/ for more details on the GE activities! ^_~
PH Community Heroes
Heck, I remembered the year-end special video that I made with the rock version of "Wind Beneath My Wings." XD
Drum rolls please~!
For their hardwork and support for the Forums & Community~
For their active participation in educating the Granado Espada Community through their blogs~
For their creativity, passion and for making the Philippines proud as a Granado Espada filmmaker~
For their creativity and passion as an artist~
For their consistency and bravery in covering the Colony Wars~
Thanks to Hrin for the list~ ^_^
PS. Everyone above is cordially invited to the e-Games Domination II on April 6, 2008 at the SMX Convention Center. Kindly check http://granadoespadaph.multiply.com/ for more details.
Testing is Fun!
This was suppose to be one of the surprises for the gals on Saturday, but I can't help it. XD
I tested one just to make sure the codes are working well, and so here it is:
I tested it in Caravaggio with my bunny babies~
The boyfriends kept asking me if they could come, and I told them they could wander around the Metrowalk until we could finish our girl group discussion.
Anyway, see yah ladies on the 29th! And oh, I still have a few slots left. Do make your reservations soon so that we can include you on the food and tokens. ^_~
Domination II: Activity Mechanics
Tournament of the Champions >> Face/Off
Server: Internal Test Server
1. All terms and conditions of IAHGames Passport apply. This tournament is open for the test server only.
2. Each team will consist of 2 players. Players are not allowed to join multiple teams. Players found to be in multiple teams will have their teams immediately disqualified.
3. Players from each team will be using the pre-made accounts set by the Game Facilitators. They can choose their own MCC team/set of characters from the said account.
4. Each team/player will be using only the consumables provided by the Game Facilitators.
5. Players are to meet at the City of Auch – PvP Officer 10 minutes before the tournament starts.
6. There will be an allotment of 10 minutes for preparation and 5 minutes for the match.
7. Once the 5-minute time is up, it’s hands-off-the-keyboard. Any player with hands on the keyboard will automatically be disqualified.
8. The team to successfully exterminate all 6 characters of the opposing team will be pronounced the winner for that match.
9. In case of a “draw,” both teams will be required to play a “sudden death match.” Players are not allowed to change their character setup. First team to score a character-kill will be the winner of the match.
10. Warnings will be given for team displaying unsportsmanship behavior or not abiding by the rules and/or listening to the GMs/marshals. There will be disqualifications on the team who will receive 3 warnings and/or exploitation of any bugs and intentional disconnections during the match.
11. In case of system failures or disconnections, inform the marshals as soon as possible. If any players are disconnected before any engagement is made, the match will be restarted. The marshal is also responsible and monitor the match at all times in cases like this one.
New Settlers Battle
Server: Live Server
1. All terms and conditions of IAHGames Passport apply. This tournament is open for the Pachelbel server only.
2. Each team will consist of 2 players. Players are not allowed to join multiple teams. Players found to be in multiple teams will have their teams immediately disqualified.
3. Players from each team will be using their own accounts. They will have an allotment of 2 hours of freeplay to increase the level of their characters.
4. Players are to meet at the City of Reboldoeux – PvP Officer 10 minutes before the tournament starts.
5. There will be an allotment of 10 minutes for preparation and 5 minutes for the match.
6. The team to successfully eliminate all 6 characters of the opposing team will be pronounced the winner for that match.
7. In case of a “draw,” both teams will be required to play a “sudden death match.” Players are not allowed to change their character setup. First team to score a character-kill will be the winner of the match.
8. Warnings will be given for team displaying unsportsmanship behavior or not abiding by the rules and/or listening to the GMs/marshals. There will be disqualifications on the team who will receive 3 warnings and/or exploitation of any bugs and intentional disconnections during the match.
9. In case of system failures or disconnections, inform the marshals as soon as possible. If any players are disconnected before any engagement is made, the match will be restarted. The marshal is also responsible and monitor the match at all times in cases like this one.
10. Match Category:
a. Eliminations – 1 match only
b. Semi-finals – 1 match only
c. Finals – Best of 3 matches
11. Schedule may change prior to the availability of the participants during the calltime. Participants will be disqualified during no-show for 5 minutes.
War of the Factions
Server: Internal Test Server
1. All terms and conditions of IAHGames Passport apply. This tournament is open for the test server only.
2. Each team will consist of 5 players. Players are not allowed to join multiple teams. Players found to be in multiple teams will have their teams immediately disqualified.
3. Players from each team will be using the premade accounts set by the game assistants.
4. Each team/player can use unlimited consumables such as potions, orbs, etc.
5. Players are to meet at the City of Auch – PvP Officer 10 minutes before the tournament starts.
6. There will be an allotment of 10 minutes for preparation and 5 minutes for the match.
7. Once the 5-minute time is up, it’s hands-off-the-keyboard. Any player with hands on the keyboard will automatically be disqualified.
8. This match will be based on tactics; every team must comply with the PvP room’s rule for Liberty Collosseum.
9. Warnings will be given for team displaying unsportsmanship behavior or not abiding by the rules and/or listening to the GMs/marshals. There will be disqualifications on the team who will receive 3 warnings and/or exploitation of any bugs and intentional disconnections during the match.
10. In case of system failures or disconnections, inform the marshals as soon as possible. If any players are disconnected before any engagement is made, the match will be restarted. The marshal is also responsible and monitor the match at all times in cases like this one.
Check out http://granadoespadaph.multiply.com/ for more updates on the GE activities for e-Games 2nd Anniversary~
Aftermath: The Last e-Games Evolution Mall Tour
Caution: Major uploads of pictures!
The summer's getting into everyone - and yes, everyone was so damn hot during the last leg of the e-Games Evolution mall tour at SM Southmall.
Since the venue was a bit small, we have to make it work with everything else - booths, computers, and the seats. At least we were provided with 10 seats on the GE booth.
We had major concerns like the Internet connection issues - which was out-of-our-control since they said it needed lots of fixing and making-up to do. Lots of people were already swarming at the entrance at around 9AM.
The passport activity was overwhelming, so we had to do two registration - on my laptop and the manual way of writing your name, contact number and email address with a pen and paper.
I was totally laughing when PM Ivee had to announce "find CM Veya" while I was trying to rest quietly in our booth. I felt like I was dragged unto the stage and was sold just for the player to get his GE shirt and goodie bag. @_@
Ivee & I goofing off before the real event starts~
The Face/Off Tournament
We all knew about the 2vs2 PVP tourney, in which the winner for the last leg will compete on the Tournament of the Champions on April 6, for the e-Games Anniversary.
The 1st match was set between Bayushi & Magnificient of Carracci VS Overseer & Ozawa of Cervantes, in which the Carracci team won the first round.
The 2nd match was between Signus & Bordados of Vivaldi VS bonsua & Oliveoyl of Carracci, in which the girl power team of Carracci won this round.
The 3rd match was between saintsinner & Nhosferatu of Carracci VS AnggoandBrothers & AlSaadi of Cervantes, in which the Carracci won this match.
Finally, the last match was between muchazgrazaz & Southernsky of Carracci VS Estradz & Esteveste of Cervantes, in which Cervantes won the last match.
For the semi-finals, it was between Bayushi & Magnificient VS bonsua & Oliveoyl - the guys won the match. The next match was of Nhosferatu & saintsinner VS Estradz & Esteveste - Cervantes team won.
And so it all comes down with the finals - Carracci team VS Cervantes team. It was a best of 3 match, Carracci got the first round, however Cervantes took the two rounds, which makes Estradz & Esteveste qualify for the Tournament of the Champions on the Domination II.
A few snapshots, here and there:
The e-Games Gorgeous CMs
Lowe & me
me & Jes
I'd like to thank Outcasts and CARNAGE faction for being active during our past events.
See y'all on April 6 at the SMX Convention Center for the e-Games Anniversary~! ^_~
Login Issues
Dear Gamers,
We are aware that some are having certain login issues when trying to move from the barracks to other areas. Our technical team is currently investigating this issue. We will revert soonest when we have more news.
In the meantime, one of the possible solutions would be to switch to a different channel at the barracks in order to avoid getting disconnected.
Thank you.
Team G.E
Please stay tuned to the GE IAH Website: http://ge.iahgames.com/en for more updates!
Goodies & Premium Buffs for All!
To celebrate the launch of the icafe privileges, we are extending these privileges to ALL citizens of Granado Espada from 13 March 2008, Thursday - 27 March 2008, Thursday!
These privileges include:
FREE Daily In-Game Items (Per day/Login): 5 Warp Scrolls, 10 Firecrackers, 3 Progressive Health-Fillers, 3 Progressive Soul-Fillers
FREE Additional 20% Character and Stance EXP Buff!
FREE Additional 20% Drop Rate!
FREE Access to Forgotten Territory Premium Dungeons!
And, yes! These buffs stack with your various combat and tactics manuals!
Login to GE and experience the bond of trinity~!
GE Team
Back-to-Basics: Checking Your Feedback Tickets
Usually when you submit a ticket - be it the Game Feedback or Service Feedback, and make it to the finish line wherein it's confirmed that you had sent it, you'd say "yes! I'm done... but... now what?" Y_Y
Remember the EMAIL ADDRESS you guys registered in during the NEW ACCOUNT REGISTRATION at the IAHPassport page? This site: http://passport.iahgames.com/ is wherein you can register, edit your profile, change password, email, etc.
Back to your ticket, usually to check if your report went in, there should be an automated reply that will look like this:
Then there would be another automated reply on the status of your ticket (whether it'll be categorized on technical, GMs, etc.)
The last reply would be the final verdict on your case. Which means, it's wherein the GMs / Tech Support would usually reply and solve the case. There's also a message there that if you would want to report again, just click the "GAME FEEDBACK HERE" and submit/make a follow-up along with the CASE REFERENCE number - this is your TICKET NUMBER during the FIRST AUTOMATED REPLY of your submitted report. You can also click that REPLY button in your email to make a follow-up or add more to your report.
Always remember to check your REGISTERED EMAIL of your GE IAHPassport account. That is where the GE Team usually reply unto, so do check it before your itching fingers would want to post a spam topic into the forum thread saying "hey! howcome you guys aren't responding to my ticket?"
Time is of the essence. Let's help out each other here instead of sulking in a corner. This tip will save both yours, and everyone's productivity. ^_^
Contributors of the article: the GE Game & Tech Support Team, special thanks to the GM head ^_~
Fantazzztic Film Awards Grand Finals
Congratulations to the ones who made it to the top!
~1st Prize~
Behringer, NineMoons, Reclusion
~2nd Prize~
Reclusion, Fiksdotter, iCez
~3rd Prize~
Fetuccini, Weisswritter, Mortreux
FFA Recognition will be held on the e-Games Dom1nat1on II Anniversary. ^_~
*All FFA participants, including the winners mentioned above of the ff. should be present on April 6, at the SMX Convention Center:
- Zaleski
- Corinthias
- Cerex
- Sigrid
- Kincaid
- deEspania
- Familier
Mass Disconnection [03.11.08]
The mass disconnection around 12AM awhile ago was an ISP-related technical issues of mostly PLDT and Smart. Rest assured that Granado Espada servers are still currently stable. However, we will continue to monitor the status of the players in-game. Thank you for the feedback everyone!
Girl Gamer Gathering I: A Tribute to the Ladies
To strengthen the bond of the girl gamers in-line with the Women’s month and to build solid foundation on the gaming community~
We're inviting you to join us on our Girl Gamer Gathering "A Tribute to the Ladies" on March 29, 2008 at Gamefrog, Metrowalk Ortigas around 5PM. For reservations, please send your Full Name & Contact Number via email: veya@granadoespada.com.ph
*Free entrance!
**Food & drinks are on us!
***Limited slots only!
- Focus Group Discussion - insights and random discussion on the gamers needs & wants, their opinions, concerns, feedback and suggestions
- Girl Power! 1 vs 1 PVP Tournament
- Dinner & drinks
- Token & freebies for the ladies
Hope to see y'all there! ^_~
iCafe Events for March
Join e-Games on March 8 and 9 at SM Megatrade Hall as the team unites with i-Café owners and gamers in the 3rd i-Café Congress.
For more info, check out this site: http://www.internetcafecongress.com/index.html
March 12, 2008
- Freeplay 1PM - 6PM
- Merchandise selling
- Free posters and installers!
- Tournament 1PM - 6PM
- Merchandise selling
- Raffle
- lots of other fun-filled activities!

Hope to see y'all there! ^_~
Contests & Events This March!
e-Games Evolution @ SM Southmall
March 15, 2008
10AM - 7PM
Face/Off: 2 vs 2 PVP Tournament
Server: Internal Test Server
1. All terms and conditions of IAHGames Passport apply. This tournament is open for the test server only.
2. Each team will consist of 2 players. Players are not allowed to join multiple teams. Players found to be in multiple teams will have their teams immediately disqualified.
3. Players from each team will be using the pre-made accounts set by the Game Facilitators. They can choose their own MCC team/set of characters from the said account.
4. Each team/player will be using only the consumables provided by the Game Facilitators.
5. Players are to meet at the City of Auch – PvP Officer 10 minutes before the tournament starts.
6. There will be an allotment of 10 minutes for preparation and 5 minutes for the match.
7. Once the 5-minute time is up, it’s hands-off-the-keyboard. Any player with hands on the keyboard will automatically be disqualified.
8. The team to successfully exterminate all 6 characters of the opposing team will be pronounced the winner for that match.
9. In case of a “draw,” both teams will be required to play a “sudden death match.” Players are not allowed to change their character setup. First team to score a character-kill will be the winner of the match.
10. Warnings will be given for team displaying unsportsmanship behavior or not abiding by the rules and/or listening to the GMs/marshals. There will be disqualifications on the team who will receive 3 warnings and/or exploitation of any bugs and intentional disconnections during the match.
11. In case of system failures or disconnections, inform the marshals as soon as possible. If any players are disconnected before any engagement is made, the match will be restarted. The marshal is also responsible and monitor the match at all times in cases like this one.
Champion: Item of the Month (Bellem Box)
Finalists (3 teams): Bear Package
Post Your Best Banner or Poetry! (Forum Challenge)
The Challenge:
Players will be using their own GE screenshots to portray their tribute for the female characters in-game. They can also use other forms like poetry and other famous quotes about women.
Sample Format:
Too weak, for all her heart's endeavor,
To set its struggling passion free
From pride, and vainer ties dissever,
And give herself to me forever.
But passion sometimes would prevail,
Nor could to-night's gay feast restrain
A sudden thought of one so pale
For love of her, and all in vain
• Theme: Feminine
• Size: 500 x 150 pixels or less (for signature or banners), In JPEG or GIF format
• Poetry – maximum of 15 lines only
• One entry only per player (they need to choose whether to create a banner or poetry)
• Pornography or any nudity exposure is not allowed
• Please observe copyrights, do not steal images from any other websites
• Two Winners:
Best Siggy and Best in Poetry – each will receive 1 premium item costume of their choice (choose between Noblesse Coat, Alberto’s Royal, Naharurosa, Battle Cook, Debauch, Pirate, Emilia Guliano, Bistre, Battlesmith, Le, Corsaire, Scarlet Belle, Bedlah, Musashi, Sugarplum Tutu, Von Trapp, Ali Baba, White Bear, Lonely Goatherd, Thai Fighter, Angie’s Overalls, Hurdy-Gurdy, Desperado, or 2 Minutes to Midnight costume)
• Deadline of submission of entries is until March 28, 2008.
Post your entries here: http://forum.iahgames.com/ge/showthread.php?t=32133
Girl Gamer Gathering: A Tribute to the Ladies
Venue & Date: to be announced~
Hug Campaign! Spread the Love!
Crossposted to: GE Barracks: Pinoys' Bond of Trinity
This weekend was a blast! Last Saturday night, my Carracci friends of the Revolution Faction invited me to a dinner since it was Illuvien's birthday treat (Happy Birthday again dearie!). Our second purpose to Il Pirata in Libis was to check out the place for the upcoming raid party to be conducted by Deniva. They loved the place, it looks like the Pinta Ship wherein every newbie has to go thru Captain Ricardo. Too bad, he's not for real in Il Pirata:
Gatoblanca was shocked to see this mirror, thus keeping her innocence from closing her eyes. XD
Strouheim in Andre-ish mode while checking the chairs and tables. ^^
We love the jester! <3
More pictures later by Strouheim. ^_~
Last night in Cervantes, as some of the players were swarming around me for inquiries, and also getting ready for Colony Wars, they formed a line in hugging pose! At first, we just joined them, CARNAGE leading the line, then we broadcasted to have a Hug Campaign in City of Auch just to release the tension on the overwhelming round of complaints and issues (be it in-game or in-real-life! XD). Anyway, here are the screenies:
Fall in-line! Don't break the rules~ ^^
After a few minutes, more and more players are getting in-line~
Hearts & snowflakes to spread the love!
Around 8PM, people started to say their goodbyes since it was time for Colony Wars. I broadcasted many thanks and goodluck for their battle. This is not only the Pinoy community, but everyone who wanted to show that not all issues can be settled in war or complaints. Some can be done by gestures or simply thru lots of hugs! <3
PS. Thanks to Karja's Box for giving me a violet ponytail hairstyle for my wiz. Now I'll be giving the Claro Mago hairstyle to my 2nd wiz. (Two times getting the violet ponytail, the first was in Carracci). XP
Till next post! ^_~