In-Game Items
Tournament: Finals in One Esplanade (each will receive; 5 players per one team)
1st Place – 1 Pioneer's Kit - Strategy Package 30 days, Ring Box, 1 school look outfit of their choice, 1 pair of Divine Angel Wings
2nd Place – 1 Pioneer's Kit - Strategy Package 15 days, 1 pair of Divine Angel Wings
3rd Place – 1 Chrysalis Package, 1 pair of Divine Angel Wings
GE Cosplay
Best Male / Female – a choice of Bear Package or a Crocodile Look Package and 1 pair of Divine Angel Wings
Best Group – a choice of Bear Package or a Crocodile Look Package and 1 pair of Divine Angel Wings (each will receive)
Offline Quests
1st to Complete – 1 Combat Manual – 15 Days and a Goodie Bag
2nd to Complete – 3 pairs of Divine Angel Wings and a Goodie Bag
3rd to Complete – 1 Goodie Bag
Early Birds: First 100 Registrants
First 100 to register on our attendance sheet gets 1 pair of Divine Angel Wings!
***Merchandise from sponsors and lots of surprise items up for grabs!
Special Notes
Then check this out: Memoirs
Treasures Up for Grabs!
Recent Updates & Upcoming Events for September
There will be a server maintenance for Granado Espada on 30 August 2007, Thursday, 1000hrs-1600hrs (GMT+8). During this period, Granado Espada game service will be unavailable.
Denominations for our Game Value Cards here in the Philippines are 300, 100 and 50 pesos. List of retailers and distributors are still to be announced.
September 7-14
Granado Espada National Tournament
Nationwide Tournament for Philippines on North, Central and South Luzon, National Capital Region, Visayas, and Mindanao.
Winners of every location of the tourney will represent and join the finals on Sept. 15!
Stay tuned for the list of iCafe locations!
September 15
GE: Experience the Bond of Trinity Commercial Launch Party
- cosplay
- major finals tournament
- offline quests
- band performance
- guest celebrities
- night raid party
- and lotsa activities!
September 16
e-Games Evolution

See y'all there! ^_~
4th Faction Visitation: PasawayProphecy
Spread the Love in GE!
Pasaway din si Ate Veya...
Those were the words pronounced the minute that they invited me in the faction. But hey, I got tons of fun meeting them on their first unofficial EB at the Trinoma Mall. ^_~
A very weird in-game moment...
I was peacefully strolling around Ferruccio Junction, when this Hill Giant suddenly appeared (and nope, not the 'Great' Hill Giant ^^) and yes, I wasn't able to do some damage because of my level. T_T
I ain't no princess! lolz~ I told them where I was, so their veterans went and killed it within a minute or so. @_@
This faction in Caravaggio was created during closed-beta, but with a different name, AMAQC. The name was Kerigan's idea from his previous guild. He wanted to continue and propagate in the New World. (@_@ ehehehe...)
The Pioneers
The people behind this lively faction were Kerigan / Kupz / beedee / Crestfall / Being / Nett / BlackDove / Riskbearer / Onigiri / Hisame / Adubal / Lapislazuri / qVasquez / Todo / Xelestia.
They currently have 81 active members playing on different schedules. They're also on 24/7 adik mode, 12-14 hours of AFK mode.
Currently they're all trying to reach level 100, getting their much-awaited veteran stances and helping the others to get kick-ass gears as well.
Did I mention that they're addicted in organizing EB events not only for themselves, but for all servers for GE? ^^
Usually they hangout at Kerigan's place, his computer shop, playing DOTA and doing crazy things like videoke and drinking red horse at the same time eating pizza. (hope no one's a minor!)
PP with CM Veya
Kudos to PasawayProphecy~! May they always be pasaway, and hopefully still abiding by the game rules as well! XD~
Till next post! ^_~
Hottest Male Pick: Andre Janzur
As stated from the recent poll voting, Andre Janzur was voted as the hottest male pick! ^.^The most famous taylor of Granado Espada. He makes wonderful clothes and is admired by many people around the continent. He's also an excellent swashbuckler, using rapiers and sometimes parying daggers with great skills.
Starting level : 56
Specific skill : Armor Production
Possible equipment : Rapiers, Mains Gauches, Leather Armors, Coats, Robes (including all Coats or Robes made by Andre)
Location : Cite de Reboldoeux, D8
How to Get the Card
First Part
After you arrived to Reboldeux and met Llyndon, go talk to Andre (Cite de Reboldoeux, D8). He will ask you to kill some Mandradoras and gather 5 Mandradoras Tentacles as proof. Go to Stone Pit and kill a few Mandradoras, then come back to talk to Andre and get your reward : Andre's Pose Guide N°2 and 3 Exp Cards (360).
Second part
Talk to Domingo (Cite de Reboldoeux, E8). He'll ask you to escort some soldiers to Al Quelt Moreza (Required level : 6). You'll be transported to a small mission. Just follow the Reboldoeux soldiers and help them kill monsters. Complete the mission by defeating Castor. Talk again to Domingo to get your reward : 3 Exp Cards.
Talk to Domingo again (Required level : 12). He needs help to fight Dilos Latemn, an ancient bishop who became mad inside Al Quelt Moreza and gives you the key of Al Quelt Moreza. Go to Al Quelt Moreza Parsonage (2nd Floor), then head to Al Quelt Moreza Arcade (L5-L6). A huge door stand there : examine it to be transported to your mission. Dilos Latemn and 2 clones of him are waiting for you in the big room. Defeat the good one and you'll success (Recommended level : 16-20). Once you did it, head back to Reboldoeux and speak to Domingo to get your reward : 3 Exp Cards.
Third Part
For this part, you need to have brought Holy Water for Panfilo quest's (second part).
Talk to Andre. He heard about Dilos Latemn's madness and can't believe it. He wants to investigate and find out why the bishop acted this way. Go talk to Panfilo (Cite de Reboldoeux, E10) and bring Holy Water he gives you to Andre and receive a reward : 3 Exp Cards (1.960).
Talk again to Andre. He'll drink the Holy Water and get suddenly mad, like Dilos Latemn before. You'll get involved in a fight against him. Defeat the Reboldoeux's most famous taylor in front of all Reboldoeux's citizens, maybe a soldier will help him. Once Andre's got his mind back, talk to him again. He will apologize to you.
Fourth Part
The previous incident teached Andre and you how Dilos Latemn became mad. Andre now asks you to investigate inside Al Quelt Moreza to gather further informations. Go to Al Quelt Moreza Arcade, and inspect some kind of mausoleum in G4. Just walk in front of it, then a message will pop up and you'll revive Dilos Latemn's memory. You'll be transported to a mission : simply escort Dilos Latemn and his guards and destroy all the Evil Gates you'll meet. Once you completed this small mission, report to Andre.
Fifth Part
Talk again to Andre. He now wants some good meal. Go talk to Panfilo who will try to make him Carbonara. Panfilo asks you to gather ingredients :
- 1 Fresh Milk, sold by the little lady behind Ramiro, at Queen's Gate, or by the lady in front of the giant statue of Ferruccio Junction.
- 1 Parmesan Cheese and 1 Pasta, sold by Merchant Camille (Port of Coimbra, F10-F11).
- 20 Wild Boar Meats, obtained by killing Wild Boars, at Cathari Falls.
Once you get all these, bring it back to Panfilo who will make the Carbonara. Bring the Carbonara to Andre who will love this new taste. Reward : Irolina Hat
Sixth Part (Required level : 72)
Talk to Andre : he now needs 150 Rainbow Feathers. They can be drop at low rate by Cockatrices found at Rion Prairie or Tributary to the Bonavista. Take your time, don't be in a rush because it will be pretty long. Once you got all of them, bring it back to Andre and get your reward : Andre Card.
Article source:
Till next post! ^_~
Distribution of Game Value Cards & Limited Edition Boxes
Game Value Cards Distribution
We all know that all Filipinos and even the other countries' gamers alike are excited to purchase the GVCs as we speak. Game Value Cards will be distributed by the end of August. Hopefully, all major distributors and retailers of game cards and load will have our cards by then.
Granado Espada Limited Edition Boxes
The news I have is that the boxes are on their way here, and some of them are already here in the Philippines. The update that we know at the moment is that some of the GE boxes will be distributed at the Commercial Launch Party on the 15th of Sept. But I'll update y'all as soon as the 3,000 boxes altogether will find its way here. ^_~
Thanks and Live GE!
G-Points Activation
Taken from GE IAH article:
A Guide To Activating Your G-Points: G-Points & Game Time Top-Up
1. Click on the “Top-Up” button and choose the game you wish to top up to.
2. Enter the Game Value Code and Game Value Password into the field provided.
3. Select the Game Value you would like to add and the game world that it goes into. If this card comes with a bonus item, you will be asked to make your choice now.
4. Confirm your selection.
5. Top-up successful. Have fun!
Feel free to join the discussion from here:
Featured Gamer: Caelesti
Just call her... Elly~ ^^
Veya: Still working/studying? Where?
Caelesti: Working at Emerson Climate Technologies Sykes in Ortigas
Veya: What's your MCC team line-up, plus the IGNs of each?
Caelesti: Caelesti Family of Carracci Server; Cecilia - Lisa Lynway, Dashiela - Elementalist, Nott - Scout
Veya: Where do you usually play?
Caelesti: At home
Veya: How long have you been playing GE?
Caelesti: Since closed beta
Veya: What are you're average time in playing online? (counting the times you're on AFK)
Caelesti: About 20 hours a day, 6 days a week
Veya: How did you know about the game?
Caelesti: I was an avid RO player back then when I heard that the RO's creator is making an MCC game under Hanbitsoft. I did some thorough research and came across the new title, Granado Espada. Me and my friend back then were part of some real discreet, preliminary closed-beta testing for GE (right before IAH got the game). I liked it from the 1st day I laid my eyes on it XD
Veya: What are the features of GE that got you hooked into the game?
Caelesti: The MCC feature's unique and very original. I also like the convenience of AFK leveling (patrolling). It gives career women like me a chance to get our characters increase level even when we're busy at work. The graphics are also awesome. I've always admired Victorian designs and settings.
Veya: Are there any factors that changed your gaming experience? Did it gave you more reasons to play or are you thinking less of the game due to issues? Cite some situations.
Caelesti: There was a time when I can't get my daily full eight hours sleep since my GE paranoia keeps waking me up. @_@ I was consistently worried that my characters were dead and already wasting precious AFK leveling time. lolz~
(I see... adik! XD)
Being the initial MilitiaSangre (BloodMilitia) faction leader, I've been through some tough times thinking how to keep my members happy and enthusiastic about the game. We arranged regular EBs, loyalty reward programs, raids, etc. It was fun, though, going through all those. I've made lots of new friends in the process. I admit that my GE playing time has been recently cut dramatically since I need to concentrate more on my career and my social life.
(*nods* I agree ;D)
Veya: Were there situations that people mistook your gender irl? (because there are a few girl gamers nowadays, and mostly chixilog so people find it hard to believe that you're a girl in-real-life)
Caelesti: Oh, I get that treatment almost all the time! They really can't believe that a girl like me would spend ample time in front of a computer, playing a "guy's game." Honestly, I'm not bothered by their opinion, and I don't take a lot much effort just to prove my gender.
(right on! XP)
Veya: Were there advantages/disadvantages of being a girl gamer? (i.e. you get free items and free help in quests from the guys ^^)
Caelesti: Guys are a lot nicer to me... at least the ones who believe I'm a girl. XD
Veya: Do you have objectives or reasons to go on playing? Do you play for fame, friends or to gain high-level characters?
Caelesti: I play for my own satisfaction. I'm a gamer by heart, and I've been into videogames since the NES came out. I like challenges, I enjoy whacking enemies around with a stick (or sword, or staff, whatever!), and I love being on top, not to mention, being famous. XD
Veya: Do you have a message to send out to all the other girl gamers?
Caelesti: The sexes are equal! We can put up a great fight as much as any guy player out there! So just stand firmly for what you believe... and what you play for! XD
(hail to all sexxae lady gamers! :D)
Love the game, definitely love the players.
That's about it~! Till next post! ^_~
My Challenge: Love Siggy-Making Contest
Total of 39 entries!
People's Choice Awards is now UP! >>><<<