No, it's not what you guys think. This is not the end of the game, or our community. Just view the two-part videos, and have a blessed new year to y'all. ^_~
PS. Sorry if the music or the editing is a bit bad, yeah both videos were made by me. ^^;
Special Notes
Then check this out: Memoirs
Year-End Specials
Intel Machinimasia: Community's Choice
Lots of bloggers already posted their articles about the recent Intel Machinimasia event. Check out their links below:
And now, presenting the Intel Machinimasia Community's Choice Award: Submission of Entries is now OPEN!
Prizes Up-for-Grabs!
* 1st Place >> A pair of Rudy Project's Sunglasses / School Look Premium Package of Your Choice / Your Choice of Lucifer Wings 30D or 3 pairs of Divine Angel Wings
* 2nd Place >> Your Choice of Chrysalis Package or Ivory Bag Package / Your Choice of Lucifer Wings 30D or 3 pairs of Divine Angel Wings
* 3rd Place >> Your Choice of Chrysalis Package or Ivory Bag Package / 1 pair of Divine Angel Wings
For more details, go to this url:
Aftermath: Intel Machinimasia II
Crossposted to: Love Chronicle: Reality in GE's New World
Presscon - December 14
It was a very busy day; all were setting up for the Press, the presentations, and of course, lunch. XD~
Big names were there, including your Machinima guy: Cillian, Elvin Ong, Ms. Imee Marcos of CreaM, and Ricky Banaag: Country Manager of Intel.
December 15-16 Workshops
We didn't expect that much number of attendees, and we were very thankful. ^.^
The lobby was pretty much occupied by non-gamers and gamers alike, all with the same goals and objectives: to learn in the movie-making workshop.
My big thanks to the avid GE bloggers who always cover the events thru their articles, and also by participating for every events. The passion for the game and writing always works well together. ^^
Also my heartwarming thank you's to the Granado Espada community! The gamers who keep on supporting and attending all our events and gatherings!
Lotsa thanks and love to the handsome gentlemen who single-handedly manage the workshop: Jerome, Cillian and Elvin.
Goodluck to the serious, talented, first-timers, and everyone who gave their wonderful movies as entries for the Film Awards!
More pictures here: Events Etc
Comment/s for the day:
Bravo Intel!
Looking forward for the same event next year!
Thank you for the experience and lots of freebies!
More hours for the movie-making next time!
It's like this upbeat song: that's how you know~!
*Winners will be announced for the Overall Champion and Intel's Choice. We'll also announce on how to submit your entries for the Community's Choice.
Hope to see everyone's enthusiasm again for the next event! ^_~
Aftermath: Intel Machinimasia
My very own first video during the Intel Machinimasia Workshop! ^.^
Lady Veya's Musings
Yeah I know, it's shaky and has a weird concept. It's my first time. XD~
Intel Machinimasia in the Philippines!
Reserve now! Intel Machinimasia 2007
You are invited to take part in FREE workshops sponsored by Intel that will teach you how to make your own movie using Machinima, the latest film-making technique sweeping the globe.
Machinima is machine+cinema: a film technique that makes PC/Video games usable for making movies and commercials.
After the workshops, put your skills to the test and make your own 2-minute film! First prize for best short film is a powerhouse Intel Core 2 Quad PC, but other great prizes await those awarded second and third place.
Dates: December 15 (Saturday) and 16 (Sunday), 2007
Venue: Meeting Room 10 - Ascott (formerly Oakwood Hotel) Glorietta 4, Makati City
For seat reservations, Please e-mail
Slots are limited so register now!
Those who reserved their seats shall receive a Bear Package in-game item!
Prizes at stake:
Overall Champion
* 1st Prize >> Intel Core 2 Quad PC & Granado Espada limited edition starter kit / Your Choice of Chrysalis Package or Ivory Bag Package / Your Choice of Lucifer Wings or 3 pairs of Divine Angel Wings
* 2nd Prize >> iPod Touch & Granado Espada limited edition starter kit / Your Choice of Chrysalis Package or Ivory Bag Package / 1 pair of Divine Angel Wings
* 3rd Prize >> PHP5,000 in GCs & Granado Espada limited edition starter kit / Bear Package
Intel's Choice
* 1st Prize >> PHP10,000 in GCs
e-Games Community Favorite
* 1st Place >> School Look Premium Package of Your Choice / Your Choice of Lucifer Wings or 3 pairs of Divine Angel Wings
* 2nd Place >> Your Choice of Chrysalis Package or Ivory Bag Package / Your Choice of Lucifer Wings or 3 pairs of Divine Angel Wings
* 3rd Place >> Your Choice of Chrysalis Package or Ivory Bag Package / 1 pair of Divine Angel Wings
Contest Mechanics:
1) Each participant has an hour to develop a movie using Movie Maker and the Granado Espada game engine provided.
2) The final output must not exceed 2 minutes.
3) It should contain at least one Intel element to be provided during the workshop (i.e. Intel logo, Intel Core 2 Quad badge or Intel bong).
4) Entries will be judged according to the following criteria:
Creativity & Originality: 45%
Storyline & Direction: 25%
Best integration of Intel elements: 15%
Effective use of GE game elements: 15%
Workshop Schedules:
* 9:30am – 10:00am >> Registration
* 10:00am – 11:30am >> Session #1
* 11:30am – 12:00nn >> Registration
* 12:00nn – 1:30pm >> Session #2
* 1:30pm – 2:00pm >> Registration
* 2:00pm – 3:30pm >> Session #3
* 3:30pm – 4:00pm >> Registration
* 4:00pm – 5:30pm >> Session #4
Choose your session. There's a total of four sessions that you could choose from depending on your availability.
See y'all there! ^_~
e-Games Evolution in SM Clark Pampanga
Crossposted to: Love Chronicle: Reality in GE's New World
December 7
It was a very hectic day, as I made last check on the items we need to bring in Pampanga; merchandise, the GE boxes, prizes, etc.
We brought two vans since we were: Grandia and Starex.
We got at SM Clark around 10PM, had dinner, and went to Ingress, finished around 2-3AM.
December 8
We had small preparations like the registration booth and tarps, plus checking the computers and Internet.
The registration opened around pass 11AM, and players started to fill in the e-Games pad, and most of them attacked our booth because of the offline passport quest: creating your own emblem. Globe was happy with our challenge, that they contributed & added up more of their merchandise to us for prize purposes (like creating a Globe-inspired emblem/logo). It was really fun. ^^
And then of course, there's freeplay. We gave stubs which serves as their 1-hour freeplay and an entry for our raffle.
For sale: GE Limited Edition box, GE tumbler, and GE pens (we ran out of jackets and shirts).
My trusted Game Assistants and model helped me out during the mini-activities that we conducted in our GE booth.
I also did a presentation on the updates for Granado Espada in behalf of my boss. We had mini-games like trivia after the said presentation. We were also generous and had raffle draw on GE premium merchandise and lots of Divine Angel Wings.
My friend, and a GE player that was featured on my girl gamer article, eLfshimmeR, was also there:
Many thanks again for the faction, FallenAngels, for being present from time-to-time in our events!
I got scared on the big Santa Claus. @_@
e-Games Boys at rest~
We were so tired, but happy on the outcome of the event.
December 9
We're heading home! Buying lots of pasalubong as well. Ate in McDo at our stopover in NLEX.Hope to see everyone at the next event, which is the Intel Machinimasia. ^_~
More photos here: e-Games Evolution
Aftermath: Hataw Hanep Hero Post-Event
- Bahia Island Installer Reservation
- Freeplay
- Pick-a-Prize
- Raffle
- Trivia
- Bring Me
- Mini Movie-Making Workshop
- Mini-Cosplay Catwalk
The Mini-Events
The Cosplay

The Raffle Draw
More photos here: H3Con
Till next event! ^_~
Aftermath: GE at the Hataw Hanep Hero 3 Convention!
Crossposted to: Love Chronicle: Reality in GE's New World
One word: cold. @_@
November 30, 2007
I was already at the SMX Convention Center around 8AM for Ingress, but since almost everyone was busy at the Function Room 1 for the Ran GC, I also helped a bit on their preparations, and had to go out around noon to get lunch and buy more stuff for the GE booth.
We did small setups, from the computers and to the booth itself, double-check wirings, etc.
December 1, 2007
Day 1 - H3
Yes! Was there early to setup everything: registration forms, computers, prizes, freebies, etc. It was pretty hectic, since I already saw around 200 people waiting outside the entrance earlier than me. @_@
GE goodies, thanks to IAH. XD~
The booth and the people who supported it. ^_^
There were lots of people who bought the GE Limited Edition Boxes, and asked about the F2P announcement, the conversion of the game time to GPoints, the activities, and the new patch coming this December 20. Needless to say, I talked about it nonstop all day, and made my throat hoarse. @_@
Most players who attended were from Carracci, Pachelbel and Vivaldi, namely Brotherhood, Argonauts, PinoyAllStars, FallenAngels, Ad-Infinitum, and other well-known Pinoy factions.
December 2, 2007
Day 2 - H3
Cosplay galore and more!
Joy (Brunie), me (ETS), DeSanggria (Idge), Caress (Elementalist), Ivee (Scout)
We had major raffles, bring me, and other mini-events that day, and most of the crowd were enjoying it (especially the Do-the-Pose part). ^^
Congrats to the winners of the videocard and the GE Limited Edition Box set that we gave away during the raffle draw.
More pictures and videos soon!
Don't forget to check out your fellow bloggers' entries during the H3Con. ^.^
Fiksdotter: Granado Espada at Hataw Hanep Hero
Mena: Hataw Hanep Hero 3 and GE goes F2P
Reclusion: Hataw Hanep sa Hero 2007 Event Galore!
*Do bump me if you guys have an H3 article!
Pictures @ GE Gathering~