Crossposted to: Love Chronicle: Reality in GE's New World
October 26, 2007
San Miguel Pale Pilsen Beer Oktoberfest Closing Party
Traffic already started to build-up since it was a Friday (gimik day) and also the much-awaited closing party of Oktoberfest at the Metrowalk in Ortigas, Pasig City.
We started registration at Gamefrog, and gave an hour of GE freeplay to everyone. The players enjoyed the Halloween in-game event "Tiburon's Scarecrows" and introduced themselves to each other.
Mentors: Pa-level lang po~
Carracci's Brotherhood~
Welling & DeSanggria~
Wow~! Watta tent. O_o
The place started to get crowded around 8PM. Pinoys usually enjoy partying late in the evening, most are gimikero and gimikera by heart.
Trade your Okto Tokens here for GE Merchandise!
I like managing a redemption booth and the tickets. Although I felt like a promogirl though, but it was fun because of the overwhelming amount of people who wanted to try out Granado Espada (yup, we gave out free installers as well).
e-Games Family who supported us! And also helped out on our booth.
Vivaldi and Carracci~
Many thanks as well to Brotherhood of Carracci for celebrating their EB that night, and also thanks to Bossing Lucius! Hope you guys enjoyed your EB there! ^^
Pretty fireworks~
Mahaba-habang inuman~!
Thanks to the players who joined us and hopefully y'all enjoyed the event. (Wasn't able to take pictures of the performing bands because of my paranoia of having my digicam get soaked with beer @_@) For the GE players who went in that night and I wasn't able to meet up, am still thankful for everyone's support. XD~
More pictures: GE Gathering
Till next post! ^_~
Special Notes
Then check this out: Memoirs
Aftermath: Oktoberfest 2007 Closing Party
GE's Trick or Treat Events
October 26 - Oktoberfest @ Metrowalk Ortigas
and the Granado Espada Team brings you the biggest bash party ever! You guys know the drill, have your 100 peso-bill ready for the entrance (consumable), and GE players, old and new, gets more surprises from us!
*First 100 to present any GE Game Value Card gets 50% discount on the entrance tickets!
**When purchasing a couple of extra San Miguel beers, you'll receive a token (get these from the redemption booth) and exchange it for GE merchandise! The more tokens you collect, the more chances of getting more freebies!
***Players who blog about the Oktoberfest event and gets picked out as the best article receives a special prize from your dear CM~
Disclaimer: 18 years old and above are the only ones that can join in this event.
October 27 - Station 168 BF Homes Paranaque 2nd Anniversary
Granado Espada celebrates the 2nd anniversary of Station 168 at BF Homes Paranaque with lots of activities; raffles, tournament, and more freebies awaits the new pioneer settlers.
Time: 11:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Let's extend our GE community once again~!
See you guys on both events! ^_~
5th Faction Visitation: Renaissance
Carracci Players are not just 'non-PK' gamers.
Renaissance. A cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th through the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe.
When was the faction created?
Renaissance faction was created during the closed-beta phase.
How did you guys come up with a name?
I researched about Granado Espada before actually playing the game for the first time. Along with the game's features, I also learned that it is set in the 17th century, a century that was also covered in the Renaissance era, the period marked by a humanistic revival of classical influence expressed in a flowering of the arts and literature and by the beginnings of modern science which really fits in the baroque setting of Granado Espada. Also, Renaissance can also be defined as a movement or period of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity -- thus made me believe that the word is a very suitable name for a faction in this game. So there.
Pioneer players behind creating this faction?
Actually, there were just two people behind the creation of our faction.
One is me and the the other one is Pyramus, one of my best friends in real life.
We created this faction hoping to find and recruit players having similar mentality as ours and sharing the same views and objectives in playing and living GE.
Thankfully, we somehow achieved that and we are currently growing with members that are conscious with their reputation and for the faction's reputation as well. (Many many thanks to Obviar, †Bayushi†, Serneo, Magnificient, Xavier, holmez, Oliveoyl, Azuren, and to the other influential members of this faction. Without them, I don't think the faction will have this very good atmosphere)
What are the objectives of your faction?
To provide an appropriate place for Pinoys that are bothered by other ill-mannered Pinoy players that disgraces the Filipino community -- thus, giving the Pinoys a bad reputation from the other nations' view.
Renaissance aims to grow with members that will be respected because of humility, righteousness, and smart gaming.
The faction ought to grow stronger while protecting every member's reputation along with the name of the faction.
How many members d'you have and how many are still active until now?
Right now we have about 70 loyal members.
And more or less than half of them are active until now.
What's the current level of your faction?
How many hours do you guys go on grind leveling / AFK?
Most of our active members are online 24/7! We rarely disconnect from the game even when going to sleep.
As for the hours we spend on grinding, roughly it's from 12 to 20 hours. We really try to utilize our Combat manuals to the fullest. :D
What are you guys doing in-game lately?
We are more into boss hunting lately, for we want all of our active members to have good equipments so to last and be more effective in battles.
Do you often organize eyeballs and gatherings? What are your agenda/activities?
We organize IRL meetings, yes. And we often schedule it simultaneous to a GE event somewhere. We find it more convinient to meet in an event for our game.
As a matter of fact, we are planning to have a Christmas party for all the members to bond, get to know each other more, and of course, enjoy.
Do you have a message to send out to your fellow servermates?
Oh yes! Hello Carracci players! Especially to my fellow Pinoys.
On behalf of the Renaissance faction, I would like to thank all the other players from other factions in supporting and helping us all the way.
And many thanks also to some players from Royalist factions for being sport and making our gameplay more challenging and lively. Thank you, guys.
The Renaissance faction really appreciates you all.
Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to promote our guild to our fellow Pinoy players.
Kindly visit for more info.
Thanks again and see you guys in-game!
The Cross Family (Roy Cruz)
These guys were nice, especially Cross. We got to talking during our event at APC. This faction is a bit homey and very accommodating. Their togetherness really gives out the essence of a family, and the true meaning of friendship. I only got to know them for a short while, but I'll try to re-visit them again, that's for sure! ^_~
Thanks to Serneo, Cross, Obviar and Oliveoyl for the images.
Updates, Advertisement, and a Survey
Hi guys! D'you always crave and dance to the techno and lively beat of the Granado Espada soundtrack?
Whenever you're in a map, just press ALT + J to check out the title of your favorite songs. Write it down, and post here on which songs you like best. ^_^
When posting here, type in your real name and email address on the 1st two boxes, then on the message box, type in your in-game family name, server, and the GE soundtrack of your choice. You can list it up to 15 songs.
This survey is until tomorrow, October 19, 2007 only.
Here's the advertisement for the Game Value Cards:
Offline Contests
My 2nd forum challenge will be ending tomorrow! So hurry up and post those entries here:
The prize will be a pair of Divine Angel Wings!
The next forum challenge:
The Fan Teasers October Edition is still on-going! We will be accepting entries until the end of October. Other than the famous Divine Angel Wings, more goodies will be up-for-grabs for the winning entries! We'll be getting 2 winners: People's Choice and the Overall Champion. So what are you waiting for? Hurry and get your creative juices flowing; check out this article for more details:
The Freeplay-Mentor Program is still on-going:
October 17, 19, 20
Marbell Cybershop 2nd Floor MGAV Bldg., Capitol View Park Subd., Bulihan, Malolos City 1 - 6 PM
JV Graphics Maristel Computer Arcade 3, Mc Arthur Hi-way, Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan 1 - 6 PM
For volunteers, please post at the recruitment thread:
Videos and Community Links
Here are our fellow GE players who contributed their share of experience during the GE Launch Party:
Arcleaumont: First & Second Article
And here's the video taken from the GE Launch Party last September 15:
Hope you guys enjoy it! Sorry for the delay as well. ^_~
GE Gathering: Freeplay Mentor Program
During late September and early October, we conducted a Freeplay Program on major NCR areas, and the mamaw and adik GE players from various servers volunteered for this event. We had lots of new players who tried playing this game, and most got hooked and addicted to GE.
I've also met most of the Adamson University students at Warzone, and I'm grateful for their full support for the game. Thanks guys! ^_^
Winners of the 3on3 PvP for the New Settlers~! Each received the famous Divine Angel Wings and other GE goodies from us!
Players hanging out at the Reboldoeux Queen's Gate, getting ready to experience the bond of trinity~! This is for them to gain level at the same time and prepare themselves for the 3on3 PvP Tournament as well.
We love GE! Oops... caught in the act of playing~ Teehee~ Can't help myself. ^^;
Hey guys! One at a time please! Hoarding GE Freebies and installers for the new players~
We also had raffles, tournament, and other tons of activities. It was also fun for the mentors, since they were like their senpai for that day. =^.^=
Till next Freeplay Program! Make sure to visit this forum thread: to catch the latest events and updates for the ones near your area. Please volunteer! It'll mean a lot for you guys to share your game experience to the new players and help extend our GE community.
Bye for now! Till next post! ^_~
For more pictures, visit the GE Gathering hosted by photobucket.
Many thanks to the ff. iCafes who participated:
Max 3D
Mayhem Networks
Park Avenue
What's Happening in the New World?
Fan Teasers October Edition
Let's get into the halloween spirit and make a GE-themed spooky wallpapers! Check out more details here:
Faction Visitation Schedules!
Get your faction posted here: and I will be visiting you guys in-game and get to know your members and your daily life. I can also go to your EBs and gatherings, depending on my schedule as well.
Server Visitation!
Aside from faction visitation, I'll also drop in and chat with y'all in-game and lemme know your inquiries, complaints and/or follow-ups (but please don't bite my head off, I'll only try to follow-up on what you guys need to know).
Mentor for Freeplay Program!
Want to volunteer? Join us and let's help extend and live GE: and help out new players in-game. We will be posting new schedules and locations, so stay tuned.
e-Games Nominated on the 10th Philippine Web Awards!
Register at and vote for e-Games website! Check also the widget at the side panel for more details.
e-Games Evolution goes to Cebu!
Bigger, better, bolder e-Games will be going to SM Cebu this October 20, 2007 for another fun-filled activities for the whole day! In-game tournament, raffles, trivia, passport quests, and lots more activities!
GE Limited Edition Boxes!
It ain't over yet! The next batch of those goodies and Emilia the Sage will be popping out of these limited edition boxes soon and hopefully by early November.
GE GVC - 90-day Denomination!
This sweet pirate and her luscious bodyguards will be out on a tentative date same as the boxes by early November.
Thanks to Obviar of Carracci for the siggy banner that's now featured at the side panel of this blog. Like him, Gakitsu of Pachelbel also designed the lovely banner for the community blog. If you'd like to contribute images, artwork, and other articles as well, send it to along with your real name, in-game family name, server, and there will be screening on the best submission and a chance to get goodies from us! (open for the Philippine Community only). ^_^
e-Games Evolution in SM Davao
In-line with the Mall Tours of the e-Games Evolution, we had another tour on the Southern part of the Philippines in Mindanao, specifically in Davao!
Product Manager Ivee Feria - in serious mode~ DND! ^^
Tons of activities like passport quests, trivia, raffles, and in-game tournament as well!
Congratulations to the winners of the Liberty's Wrath 5on5 PvP Tournament!
Ronnie Mark Estonilo - ilikeyou
Boris Michael Diez - BorisDiez
Joseph Edpaul Reyes - Yeser
Ervin Johnson Dizon - Cabagnut
Ryan Brail Braceros - CabagnotA
Pictures: DeSanggria
CM Veya Visits In-Game!
Hi everyone! If you guys want me to visit and have your faction featured at the Philippine Community Blog, please post here: your faction, the leader and/or deputy as contact person, contact person's email address and also the server. I'll post the schedule on when I can visit your faction.
First post, first serve basis (or will depend on how we'll workout with the schedules).
FV Schedules
Oct 2 - †PINOY†ALLSTARS† in Pachelbel
Oct 5 - Aggressor™ in Vivaldi
Cervantes - vacant
Carracci - vacant
Caravaggio - vacant
Faction Visit Articles:
For the Server Visitation, please check the ff. schedules:
Monday - Cervantes / Carracci
Tuesday - Caravaggio / Pachelbel
Wednesday - Vivaldi / Cervantes
Thursday - Carracci / Caravaggio
Friday - Pachelbel / Vivaldi
Times would be vary everyday, usually after lunch, or after work (around 6PM). ^_^
Cervantes - Esthesia (Wizard, Grace Bernelli, Scout, Catherine the Summoner)
Carracci - Veya (Wizard, Elementalist, Scout)
Caravaggio - Veya (Wizard, Elementalist, Scout)
Pachelbel - Veya (Wizard, Elementalist, Scout)
Vivaldi - Veya (Wizard, Elementalist, Scout)
*No ASCII codes, no special symbols, etc.
The Truth About Renaissance
I was amazed at the articles presented by Reclusion, so I decided to also post some facts and figures in the New World.
Renaissance Fashion
16th - 18th Century~
The world was filled with corsets, chemise, ruffles, sleeves, lace, and among the other fabrics and accessories that certainly made the people like in that scene: The Vanity Fair.

In the Renaissance popular fashion styles ranged from wide, to barrel-shaped and square fashions.
During the evolution of women's fashion in the European Renaissance, clothing for women went from three pieces (underskirt, bodice and robe) to one piece and then back to five or more pieces (skirt, underskirt, bodice, overbodice or vest, hoop and collar). This helped maintain Renaissance social structures since the lower classes did not wear the same fashions as the rich.

Most men of the Renaissance wore some sort of head cover. Some times these hats were leather but more often, especially in lower classes, the hat was felt, wool, or cloth. The higher up the food chain a man was the more ornate, like everything, was his hat. Upper class men adorned their hats with long feathers, ribbons, and sometimes even flowers. By this time in history hats came in many styles. Some were floppy, some brimmed, and some tall. Black was not your only color choice either. Many period paintings show a multitude of red hats that were not clergy.

Dinosaurs plagued the New World?

Image: In Ustiur Zona Cuatro

That's why Ustiur Zona was included in the map of the New World. ^^ (and how we loved T-rex)

Other shots:

Images: Esthesia and Estradz
PS. This period was also a time of discoveries. ^_^